
abop for business
Whether you want to improve communication, or build confidence ABOP for Business will help you to create a positive mind-set and overcome any personal barriers.
Designed for those who are already present, but want to deliver more engaging, more informative and better received presentations workshops are highly participative and practical. Enabling participants to improve their skills using Theatre-inspired tools to optimise their voice, intonation and body language. In immersive sessions participants will practice and master speaking techniques such as breathing, linguistic articulation, vocalizing, improving phonetic competence, narrative ability and how to manage anxiety.
Using Theatre and Drama in corporate learning and development is not about creating actors but about giving people skills for life and business.
Training with Drama can include.....
BREATHING: Managing the air
Breathing is the basis of good phonation.
Understanding the power of the pause as a communication tool.
PROJECTION: The Voice, resonance and diction.
How to excite an audience and keep them interested using your tone of voice.
Learn more about your voice and how to use it for greater impact.
POSTURE: Movement, tension and relaxation.
Why getting your body language right is vital if your are to make a first and lasting impression.
Experience the sensation of really 'holding' your audience.
EMOTION: Energy, self esteem, anxiety.
Ways to relax and breathe correctly to settle any nerves and feel an increase in confidence and develop a deeper sense of presence.
NARRATIVE: Expressing ideas in public.
The importance of preparing properly for any presentation and making certain that your presentation content is perfect for your target audience.
If you would like to enquire about ABOP for Business workshops please contact our Team HERE
Creativity Spontaneity Confidence
Public speaking and presentation skills are crucial for captivating and maintaining the interest of clients in a professional environment. Being a charismatic and persuasive presenter allows your key messages to be successfully delivered, heard and retained.