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Benefits of Performing Arts

While Performing Arts allow children to develop creative passions, they simultaneously teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate effectively with others with confidence. Forming an important part of a broad and liberal education they can embrace all subject disciplines as well as social activities, and because of the confidence and communication skills that they equip young people with, young people become empowered in whatever career path they decide to follow as they become adults. Perhaps most importantly, Performing Arts allow children to be playful and creative. To explore their curiosity and try out new things, and new ways of thinking or behaving.


Performing Arts

  • Performing Arts is about self expression and exploring alternative options and embracing individuality. Participation allows children to develop self confidence and belief in themselves.

  • With improved self confidence and self belief, comes a natural pathway for children to go on to develop and master skill. 

  • Studies have also indicated that children who participate in Performing Arts can enjoy improved performance in more traditionally academic subjects.

  • Children develop a sense of individuality, perform well and as such are happier within themselves.

  • Being involved with music, drama, dance and the arts builds strong relationships between young people and reinforces their identity within their peer group.

  • Through choral performances, musical concerts, dramatic performances, dance shows, gigs, and events, children have an opportunity to showcase their talents and develop their confidence through public performance.

  • Participation in Performing arts, cultural participation, classes, sessions, workshops and performances enhances health and wellbeing and positive mental health in young people.



Improving Academic Performance and Life Skills

  • Reading and performing music is linked to mathematics, through counting, pace and rhythmical patterns. 

  • Participating in drama and music lessons and activities can help young people to develop life skills and inspire creativity, an increasingly valued skill in most workplaces.

  • Performing Arts require cooperation and collaboration as children work together. This leads to better teamwork and communication skills which are essential requirements for many different jobs and professions.

  • Children can go on to become stronger team leaders thanks to the strong sense of individuality and self confidence that they develop through participation in Performing Arts.

  • The Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop a creative mind, and creative skills.

  • They can explore so as to better understand ideas and concepts, and try out different points of view. It’s an opportunity to recreate and reenact situations using different perspectives to reach conclusions.

Improving Fitness and Reducing Stress and Anxiety

  • Anything that gets children up and about and moving around is good for them. All Performing Arts involve physical exercise in one way or another.

  • Acting and singing requires physical movement and energy and dancing is one of the best ways of remaining fit.

  • Playing musical instruments builds fine motor skills and requires physical control and stamina.

  • Performing Arts are a brilliant way of allowing children to express their feelings and emotions, particularly through acting and role play.

  • Performing Arts provide an opportunity for children to express themselves and to work out their emotions in a safe environment. It’s a way of letting off steam, reducing frustrations and dealing with anxieties, which is essential for good mental health.

  • Young People learn to share and recognise different perspectives and to develop empathy and respect for others.



Creative Problem Solving, Taking on Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles


  • Performing Arts lessons keep creativity and individual thinking alive, providing children with opportunities to experience new ways of thinking.

  • Thinking outside of their own situation allows children to recognise that there are alternative options, and to be creative and resourceful with what they think and do.

  • Participation in the Performing Arts requires practice and hard work. Children learn to come up with their own innovative solutions to difficulties they may encounter along the way, which is a skill they can apply to many other situations in life.


Developing Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness

  • Performing Arts are frequently championed as disciplines used to develop or boost a child’s self confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness. 

  • Criticisms can have a drastically negative impact on self confidence, and an ability to bounce back and try again. Performing Arts are creative and open ended in their nature and a such participating in the sessions enables young people to being able to receive criticism, to use it and to learn from it.

  • Performing Arts can be used to teach children respect for others and how to respond to others in a manner which is helpful rather than hurtful. 

  • Children learn to trust others and build relationships as they learn to share their thoughts and ideas with confidence, to listen to others and to learn about respect for one another.

  • Performing Arts  can help children, build their confidence and self esteem, and enables them to build on their experiences and have the confidence to persevere with challenges they may face.




  • Performing Arts teach children never to give up, that they can achieve their own goals if they want to, and flourish.

  • From this self confidence comes self discipline. Young People learn from constructive feedback and are encouraged to practice their skills to improve their performance.

  • Young people are better able to recognise their own strengths and weaknesses and to find ways of improving and working towards new challenges.

  • Performances will invite comment and opinion from children’s peer groups as much as their teachers, and children can learn from positive experiences how to interact with others in a positive way.

  • When children from different backgrounds and cultures come together to put on a production, they learn to work together, develop an understanding and tolerance of different ideas and attitudes and a greater awareness and understanding of the world around them.

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Benefits of Performing Arts


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