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We seek outstanding female and male performers aged 14-21 years, for numerous casts. Also a mixed cast of musicians and BSL interpreters.

All participants are fully involved in the production and will be present on stage throughout. As such we anticipate high level multi skilled, extraordinary artists.

(If you are aged 12-14 years and believe that you would be suitable for an audition please email the office to discuss the matter)


You are auditioning for membership of the Associate Programme Theatre Company 'SO Theatre'. As such you are not auditioning for a specific show or role. However we welcome information regarding your preferences with reference to shows and possible leading roles. If relevant please include this information in your application. 

Please scroll down and read the instructions carefully.

Applications from candidates under 18 years at the time of application or candidates receiving financial support from parents/guardians must apply using email addresses/social media pages belonging to a parent/guardian.

  1. ALL Candidates must complete the word document below, include as much information as possible.

  2. Send an Introductory email to the Audition Team at attaching your Audition Application Form. 

  3. Title ALL communications with your full name.

We cannot accept self tapes or invite candidates to Studio Auditions without the completion of and receipt of the Audition Application Form.

Audition Application

  1. Submit a Self Tape to our Directors:  

  2. OR provide us with a link to your audition self tape if you prefer to place it on your YouTube channel, website, or social media platform. 

  3. Title ALL communications with your full name.

Self Tape Audition Requirements


  1. Perform two of the speeches below. You may use your scripts, although working off book (from memory) would be preferred.

  2. Perform two songs of your own choice. A Musical Theatre song (from a legitimate West End or Broadway/Off Broadway Musical) Plus one song of your own choice, no longer than three minutes each. You may use your song sheets/music sheets, although working off book (from memory) would be preferred.





We seek outstanding young musicians (Grade 5+) Flute, Harp, Fiddle, Violin. Whistle, Percussion. 

  1. Perform a classical piece of your choosing, no longer than three minutes. 

  2. Perform a contemporary piece of your choosing, no longer than three minutes. 

Self-Tape Tips

A self-tape is a pre-recorded video audition. It doesn't need to be complicated but the following information may be useful.

  1. Use your mobile phone as a camera if you don't have access to other equipment.

  2. Use a tripod or ask someone to help, keeping the camera stable.

  3. All self-tapes should be shot horizontally, no exceptions.

  4. A self-tape should be filmed in front of a blank wall of neutral colour.

  5. Use natural light to help you, but don't stand in bright sunlight. Avoid overhead light.

  6. Wear un-patterned clothing when recording. Avoid white.

  7. We would prefer you to be off-book for speeches and songs (performing from memory) but always have the script/music in hand just in case. It’s better to glance down to refresh your memory than fumble through lines. If you can't manage this please use a script.

  8. We would prefer you to play a piece without sheet music as this will be the case in the production. However, please do not allow this to prevent you from auditioning if you feel unable to meet this particular request.  

  9. Diction and volume is imperative. 

  10. Re-record your audition pieces if you're not happy with them.

  11. Get all your material together before you apply.

  12. Your self tape file may be large so if need be please send it to our office via the FREE option at 

  13. Remember to pop your full name on ALL communications.


Once we have assessed your application you will be invited for a Face to Face Audition. Auditions will take place over two weekends. 

We will attempt to accommodate as many young people as possible within our audition period.

  1. You will present two speeches and both songs (from your self tape) at the face to face audition. 

  2. All those auditioning will also be required to participate in an acting, singing and movement workshop. 

  3. You will be required for the entire day of your audition so please keep this in mind when accepting your audition date.

  4. You will be expected to bring along the necessary refreshments to sustain you throughout the audition period.

​Call Backs You may be asked to attend a Call Back (returning for a second face to face audition) You will not be required to perform anything new for your Call Back. You will be informed on the day of your audition or via email if the Directors would like to see you again.

Performer Auditions: BSL Interpreters

We seek four outstanding young women between 14 and 18 years who have a genuine interest in Theatre and British Sign Language.  

It is incredibly important to us that we offer a complete translation of our shows for our audience members who use British sign language, to enable all of the meaning, songs and any sounds that happen on stage to be shared with those who wish to experience our work. 

Each of our Interpreters will attend rehearsals and performances and be a full member of the Cast, interpreting the show on stage throughout.

If you already sign or would like to develop this important skill to undertake the role please complete the word document above and email the office to register your interest.

All enquiries to the Directors at:


Book Tickets

Registration Audition Form


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