
the edinburgh fringe experience

Intoxicating and infectious there’s nothing quite like the Edinburgh Fringe for committed artists who have a passion for performance.
For talented actors, age 11-18 years, The Edinburgh Fringe Experience is a touring project like no other.
Young acting talent is thriving in the UK and Edinburgh is the premiere destination for talented performers and theatre enthusiasts to gain touring experience. So, there is no better way to solidify a desire to work in Theatre than performing in Edinburgh in August.
tefe unites talented young performers from all walks of life and provides them with an opportunity to explore their creative potential in a sprawling, diverse, and unique theatrical environment.

edfringe is a rite of passage for any young performer

The largest Arts Festival on the Planet!
The vision of the fringe is to give everyone a stage and everyone a seat.
In 2023 the 76th Edinburgh Festival Fringe ran from Friday 4th to Monday 28th August.
With 52, 000 Performances
Of 3,553 Shows
In more than 288 venues
By 49,827 performers
2, 445,609 tickets were issued across the festival.
67 countries were represented.
17 countries presented showcases
500 street performers, buskers and street artists.
1,400 accredited producers, programmers, bookers, talent agencies and festivals from 49 countries.
840 members of the media received accreditation.
10% more reviewers than last year.
25% more reviews than last year.
80, 000 downloads of the Fringe app.
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the single biggest celebration of the arts and culture on the planet.
Every August for three weeks the city of Edinburgh, welcomes an explosion of creative energy from around the globe.
An open access un-juried performing arts festival there is no selection committee and anyone with a story to tell may participate.
Thousands of performers take to hundreds of stages, in all manner of spaces, all over Edinburgh to present shows for every taste.
The Edinburgh International Festival was an initiative created to celebrate and enrich European cultural life in the wake of the Second World War.
In1947, eight theatre groups turned up uninvited to perform at the Festival.
Not being part of the official programme they staged their shows on the fringe of the Festival coining the phrase and name – the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Since the dawn of this spontaneous artistic movement, millions have flocked to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to produce, and to enjoy art of every genre.
Messy, colourful and loud, the Fringe is testament to people getting up and doing their own thing.
Perform at edfringe
Designed especially young performers who sing, dance or act performing at edfringe can be an important addition to a young performer's CV or simply a fabulous theatrical Summer project.
For young artists who can't wait to get to class or are still buzzing three days after a rehearsal, showcasing their talent on an international stage, at the biggest arts festival on the planet, can be an inspirational and life enhancing experience. AND with a sixty or ninety minute show performed daily for one, two or three weeks, plus a little publicity activity young actors have plenty of free time to spend with family and friends, and enjoy all the festival and Edinburgh has to offer.
With a professional and experienced Creative Team leading projects auditions are rigorous and competetive which makes certain that the very best young artists rehearse and perform in Edinburgh.
For further information regarding costs, dates, auditions etc. please get in touch HERE

the edinburgh fringe exp company

The Edinburgh Fringe is an absolute rite of passage for any young performer. Nowhere else can they be so immersed in such a variety of talent and culture. The process of preparing and performing a show day in day out over the festival is a skill crash-course like no other, and young performers get a real taste of what it is to perform professionally whilst learning so much about themselves. The ‘Edinburgh Fringe Experience’ from ABOP makes this dream a reality. Not only are they experts in developing the necessary artistic skills in their students, but their support with the entire process from start to finish is invaluable. I cannot recommend this programme highly enough.
Lydia West (Secondary School Teacher)
ABOP 2014-2019
WB Theatre Young Actors Co.
ABOP Associate Elite Company Member
ABOP SO Theatre Company Member Sterts Theatre Tour (Principal)
ABOP Edinburgh Fringe Experience So Theatre Company Member (Principal)
I would like to say how wonderful 'SO theatre' is. My daughter (like many other teenage girls) suffers with her self esteem - always thinking everyone else is better than her. 'SO theatre' has given her a chance to SHINE! It is so well organised and the performances are AMAZING and professional!
My daughter really feels she has a place in the world and 'belongs' thanks to this wonderful group.
Vicki de Villiers
Parent. Primary School Deputy Head. (SO Theatre, ABOP Young Actors Company edinburgh fringe experience)

Bitey and Bertie were the oddest of friends and the oddest of friends have the oddest of adventures. Join Biteymactinyhands and Bertie on their Grand Tour, with their magical trunk full of magical props. It's all going to be marvellously odd! Bursting at the seams with ABOP's inimitable style and an amazing 4m x 2m animatronic T-Rex, this lively musical and magical production is perfect for families who love dinosaurs.

Female & Male Roles Age: 14-22yrs.
Number of Roles: 14-16
'Bitey' is an engaging Victorian based story which runs for fifty minutes.
Children's Theatre is challenging and can be unforgiving for actors without commitment and passion to the genre. Only extremely energetic and talented young actors should apply.
Performers must be talented actors with experience a love of working with young audiences, an affinity with this challenging theatre genre and a LOVE of dinosaurs!
Performers must be willing to interact with children both before, during and after the performance.
Participants will be expected to market and flyer their shows, attend Press events etc.
Cast Members will be required in Edinburgh from the beginning of August for19/25 days.
Wednesday 2nd - Sunday 20th August
Full Run (incl. Pre RunTechnical rehearsals and final show on the 24th Aug)
No show Sundays
£1500 not including accommodation. (Cost also includes full production project fee, rehearsals, insurance, company t/shirts, hoodie and free show pass to shows at management venues)
Accommodation should be arranged by cast members and their parents and costs can vary depending on the type of accommodation required.