Why are rehearsals eight hours and at the weekends?
We run long rehearsals (with breaks morning and afternoon and lunch) for the following reasons.
1. During term time: We meet with company members once or twice a week at weekends and therefore rehearsals, extra rehearsals and private tuition all have to take place in this very short time frame.
2. Rehearsals in holiday periods are used to move projects from the rehearsal room to the staging area so intensive rehearsals take place and more continuous time is required for this process.
We produce shows that are between sixty minutes and two hours so long rehearsals enable us to perform a full run (that is perform the show from start to finish) a number of times to achieve extremely high standards.
3. We appreciate that members can be hugely committed Monday to Friday, meeting with peer groups, educational undertakings and family life so try to we avoid this precious time. Especially where Seniors are concerned.
Do I have to pay for my audition?
abop does not believe in charging performers to audition.
Can I audition if I'm a member of another group?
Yes of course, in fact many of the young artists we work with attend weekday evening classes elsewhere. We would recommend these continue if possible. Training is important and friendships made in the groups equally so. Our projects are part of an intensive associate progamme for those looking for unique performance opportunities to expand their performance portfolio. However, being a member of an intensive programme such as ours is time consuming, so once you have been offered a place in the company we would expect you to honour and prioritise SO Theatre rehearsals and performances, throughout the entire period of the project. This can be discussed at your audition. You should bring any 'problem dates' to the attention of the audition team when you apply.
Do I have to believe in God for projects where the subject matter is religious?
At abop we believe that faith is a personal choice and we respect company members who choose to follow a religion and those who do not. We are storytellers, that is our role.....to empower young artists by telling great stories through live performance. To inspire not influence. To engage not indoctrinate.
Can I book professional work if I am offered a place?
We support young performers who wish to audition for professional contracts and book work, but we ask that these matters are discussed with Directors before any activity is undertaken so as not to put SO Theatre shows at risk. Auditions and work cannot be booked for those performing at the edinburgh fringe.
I enjoy drama but I haven't performed much, can I still audition?
Absolutely! We're very approachable and are not here to make you feel uncomfortable. We want to see you at your best, so be brave and give it a go! If you're nervous and make a mistake at your face to face audition you can try again. Do prepare well though as practice will make things easier.
Can I audition if I don't have much dance experience?
Yes. For your Self-Tape audition follow the video on the audition page and learn the moment sections, it's fun! Then record it and submit your Self-Tape. When you attend your face to face audition you will take place in a group movement workshop.
Can I audition for a leading role?
Yes, but remember that you are auditioning to be in the company and not for a specific role.
SO Theatre is an ensemble company, meaning that everyone in the company is a talented performer capable of undertaking leading roles. However, our casting criteria relies both on talent and suitability for each specific role. When you audition for the company make note of any additional audition requirements you may need to prepare for if you would like to be considered for a leading role and let the Audition Team know.
Will there be feedback after my audition?
Casting decisions are made by our Directors and no further discussion will be entered into. However, each parent/guardian of an 'auditionee' will receive an email or follow up telephone call once auditions have been completed.
When will I know if I have been offered a place in the company?
You will be given a date when you audition. Usually a decision will be made between 7 to 28 days.
Can I apply late?
This may be possible, but it cannot be guaranteed. Please email the Audition Team for information.
How much does it cost to be a company member?
Fees for the equivalent of an eighteen month project can be found on the Project pages.
Where do rehearsals take place?
Rehearsals take place a various locations depending on the project. Please see each project for details.
What happens if I can't attend my audition?
Please contact the Audition Team using the email address you have been given. If you need to cancel your audition at short notice you should text or call the Audition Team. If possible an alternative date may be offered at the discretion of the Directors.
Can my parents attend the audition with me?
If you are under 18 years of age you must be accompanied by your parent/legal guardian. Parents are welcome to remain for refreshments onsite while you audition, but are not allowed in the audition room.
If you are between 18 and 21 and your parents are settling your fees they must attend the audition with you.
Do you offer refunds if my child decides to leave the company?
No, we are unable to offer refunds once fees have been paid. Projects run for a set period so funds are due for the entire period.
abop reserves the right to take legal action to secure payments for the entire project period if agreements are broken.
Are there discounts for siblings?
This is not something we offer.
How many casts will there be?
There will be a number of casts for each project. Each cast will participate in the same number of rehearsals and performances.
Can I audition if I have worked with abop SO Theatre on a previous project?
Yes. Please use the abop office email address to contact the Directors.
Do I have to live near the rehearsal location to audition for the company?
No. We simply ask that if you live far from the rehearsal space that you think carefully before committing. You must arrive promptly as requested on the schedule.
Do I have to pay for costumes?
No. Although you may be invited to bring things from home if they are required for a contemporary piece.
Can my family get tickets for my performances?
If performances are open to the public parents and family members can purchase tickets as they would for any other Theatre show. For tour dates tickets may or may not be available, as this will be determined by the touring partner. For example schools performances may simply be for those attending the school involved.