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JUNIOR ASSOCIATE Company 7-10/11 years  
SENIOR ASSOCIATE Company  11-16/1
8 years​
Company  18-25 years


An intensive accelerator Theatre performance programme and Theatre Company SO Theatre, designed for exceptional performers with a passion for Theatre.

The Associate Programme


Many professional creatives will tell you that their most valuable training came from actually doing, and so gifted and talented students on the Associate Programme benefit from exactly that. Working with a professional Creative Team of vibrant Theatre Makers to become part of a Junior, Senior or Training Theatre Company performing shows both at home and on tour.


Training in an inspirational fast moving environment provides members with a dynamic and invaluable experience which challenges young artists to be brave, bold and refine their Theatre skills to a high level. Complimenting the training each student receives from their home dance/drama academy.

Performers are nurtured and encouraged to discover and explore their artistic voices as they work alongside peers on the same trajectory, and at the same level of accomplishment to create and perform original and scripted work. Authenticity, determination, energy, honesty, self discipline, passion and enthusiasm are essential to the process, and as such members are required to demonstrate a high level of commitment, fitness, and motivation. It is highly anticipated that company members will be passionate about progressing into the creative and performance industries.

The Company

Associate members follow a unique programme, designed for authentic performers of exceptional talent. Students who not only have a passion for performance, but who also have the resilience and commitment to attend for 45 weeks of the year. Unique, inventive and adventurous performers who are as comfortable working in Musical Theatre as they are in a Drama Performance, Devised Piece or Choreographic Work. As part of a Junior, Senior or Training Theatre Company artists rehearse and perform full runs of challenging back to back theatre productions throughout their membership. Enabling them to develop the necessary skills to present continuous high quality theatre, book work and or build Theatre portfolios for entry into Drama/Stage School or University. 

For under 18's the Associate Company is suitable for discerning parents who acknowledge a need for a practical and inspiring experience of performance and Theatre for their talented children.

Entry onto the Associate Programme is via invite or audition only, numbers are limited. 

Associate Members meet at the following times:

Saturdays 9.30am-6pm Juniors

Sundays 9.30am-6pm Seniors


Lunch is taken at 1pm, with refreshment breaks throughout the day.  Company members are required to attend promptly and attend all sessions.


The Associate Programme attracts unique, talented and exceptional artists with a passion for performance and a desire to learn and be challenged.

Gifted and Talented Associate Programm

Junior Associates Theatre Company (7-10/11yrs)

The Junior Associate Programme is a unique opportunity for talented and exceptional young performers (aged 7-11 years) to present work continuously over a period of twelve months within a dedicated Theatre Company. Presenting work from various genres enables junior performers to build skill to a high level and develop their performance portfolios.

Genres: Musical Theatre, Plays, Devised Theatre, Recitals, Site Specific and Promenade Theatre)

Junior Associates meet on Saturdays 9.30am-6pm (including one hour for lunch and morning and afternoon refreshment breaks) for 45 weeks per year. Members are expected to attend every session unless  they have professional commitments. 

(Junior Associates do not meet at the following times:  the first week in January, one week at Easter, four weeks in August and two weeks in December. Unless they are touring or performing at edfringe.

Junior Associates

"abop get the very best out of every student. They're supportive, professional, caring ... and will make you work your butt off! But those tiring hours of rehearsals are easily forgotten when suddenly after weeks you can hit that note, or you've finally nailed that scene, and when a show is finished to such a high standard. It truly is a wonderful group to be a part of!"

Associate Member

Senior Associates Theatre Company (11-16/18yrs)

The Senior Associate Programme is an opportunity for exceptional young performers (aged 11-18 years) to rehearse and present challenging work alongside other gifted artists who share their passion and drive. Performing back to back shows over a period of twelve months within a dedicated Theatre Company provides artists with a wider view of the industry while simultaneously enhancing skill. 


Genres: Musical Theatre, Plays, Devised Theatre, Recitals, Site Specific and Promenade Theatre)

Senior Associates meet on Sundays 9.30am-6pm (including one hour for lunch and morning and afternoon refreshment breaks) for 45 weeks per year. Members are expected to attend every session unless they have professional commitments. 

(Senior Associates do not meet at the following times:  the first week in January, one week at Easter, four weeks in August and two weeks in December.  Unless they are performing at edfringe)

Consideration is given to members sitting GCSE and A' Level examinations)

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Senior Associates

"abop succeed in drawing out astoundingly professional performances from young actors in extrordinarily short time scales. They work the youngsters hard and accept no slacking, but the loyalty and enthusiasm they inspire in them is enormous"

Parent of Senior Associate

"I am so impressed with the level of professionalism from those involved in SO Theatre. It is rare to find a theatre company that tackles more gritty and challenging pieces of work for under 18s whilst handling the subject matter so respectfully. SO Theatre offers the young actors a chance to really develop their acting range and vocal skills and do to so in a safe and nurturing environment"

Parent of Senior Associate

Training Associates Theatre Company (18-25yrs)

Have you recently finished your A'Levels but failed to get into your chosen Drama School or University. Have you made the decision to take a year off  to enhance your performance skills in a real life setting? Are you perhaps looking to work with a professional team to gain some insight into company engagement?  Or do you need support and wish to engage with likeminded creatives who believe everything is possible and refuse to be distracted, while working in an unrelated day job.

Whatever the case the Associate Training Company offers authentic and talented performers numerous opportunities to perform as part of the Training Company. Work is challenging, varied and intense.

Training Associates is a performance company for those 18 years plus, timetabled around evenings and weekends. Enabling performers to retain their day jobs whilst continuing to maintain and build skill and regularly perform.

Interested performers should prepare their Show Reels, Performance CV's etc.

Contact the office here in the first instance for further information.

Training Associates


The Junior and Senior Associate Programme is heavily subsidised by the abop​ Leadership Team to enable young people to access training and excel in their commitment to Theatre. 

Associate Members pay the following fees:

1. A Joining Fee of £40. This includes a Registration Fee, Company Hoodie and T/Shirt.

2. An Annual Fee of £1,350. Paid Termly £450 (£30 per session, less that £5 per hour)

All Associate Members are eligible for private and small group tuition in dance, drama and singing, and extra rehearsals for which there is no additional cost.


All Associate Members will require Black Jazz Pumps as will be advised by staff.

Girls may require character shoes and a practice skirt as will be advised by staff.

Additional pieces of uniform will be available to purchase throughout the term.



Associate Members receive a discount on any additional classes, and workshops unassociated with The Associate Company they may wish to attend.

Training Associates settle fees per project. Fees vary. Please contact the office for further information.

Associate Members do not meet during the first week in January, one week at Easter, two weeks in December and during the month of August, unless company members are performing at the Edinburgh Fringe during the Summer. 

Contact us HERE if you would like to audition for the Associate Programme.

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