Meet The Leadership Team
Who We Are
Anything But Ordinary Productions is a cumulative name for a company committed to promoting and utilizing theatre as a means to entertaining and enhancing communities. From Performance and Theatre Production to Teaching and Professional Theatre Training, Youth Theatre Projects, Themed Based Event Management, Corporate Training, and much more we are an ever-changing ensemble, engaging with the community and encouraging children, adults and fellow professionals to experience the joy of Theatre through performance and participation.
The company structure embraces artists at all stages of their creative development, allowing those with professional training to lead and contribute towards the growth of rising talents. The goal is to create a celebratory message through the extraordinary and varied abilities of its group of performers.
ABOP is proud to be entirely self funded and receives no grants, arts council funding or government subsidies.
Dix Aston her/she
Artistic Director ABOP
BA (Hons) Dance, PGCE Drama, MA Applied Drama
Co-Founder of ABOP, Dix has a wealth of performance experience, and over thirty years of experience of working in Professional Theatre, Education and the Arts, as a Professional Theatre Director, Producer, Choreographer, and Teacher.
A former Dancer and Actor, Dix is firmly committed to bringing high quality professional theatre performance and educational opportunities to adults and young people and sharing her creative vision with like minded artists and facilitators. Director of One Off Productions, Too Close for Comfort, Whoopy Doo Productions, So Theatre, Partout, and Co-Founder or the Edinburgh Fringe Experience Dix has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe and supports Corporate work as part of the outreach programme.

Alongside her own work Dix spent five years as a Trustee of a private Foundation awarding financial scholarships to young Theatre Artists across New York, Germany and the UK.
A talented teacher of Choreographic Studies, Tap, Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Commercial and other forms of dance as well as numerous Drama Techniques Dix leads the Associate Programme training talented young performers as well as running drop in dance and drama sessions, Youth Theatre, and a number of professional performance companies across the South West. Dix is passionate about all aspects of creating Theatre with young people and feels driven to ensure that a high standard of theatre experience is delivered to the under 25's.
Dix is responsible for all marketing and design at ABOP, writes regularly for Theatre and has just finished her first book, 'God Bigotry & Bunting - I06 Days & Counting!' currently being adapted into a Play.
Gareth Williams he/him
General Manager Musical Director Student Welfare
Bsc. (Hons) Applied Social Science
Co-Founder of ABOP Gareth was a Psychologist, working in Social Work and Business before becoming a professional puppeteer, singer, actor and Arts facilitator, and member of professional companies Too Close For Comfort, Whoopy Doo Productions and ABOP. Gareth has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe and is Co-Founder of the Edinburgh Fringe Experience.
As Musical Director Gareth manages all music within the company and teaches on the Youth Theatre programme as well as training talented young performers on the Associate Programme. Gareth works with adults participating in ABOP performance companies, vocal groups and privately on skill based workshops. Championing those with a desire to engage in Theatre and the Arts to a high level.

Inspired by professional Theatre techniques Gareth oversees all ABOP for Business Corporate engagement aiming to help business leaders and clients to unlock their employee potential through music and drama.
As Student Welfare Liaison Gareth manages all student care within ABOP, enabling students to have a stable, healthy, proactive and fun approach to learning.
Dix and Gareth currently reside in the South West with their five cats, Cobweb, Dandini, Zeppo, Pirouette and Jeté.
abop staff are highly experienced well educated individuals in Performing Arts, Specialist Arts Subjects, Education, and Psychology. Staff are over 23 years of age and have either a first degree, an additional PGCE or Masters, plus experience of teaching, within the private or state sector. Visiting lecturers may be industry professionals currently employed within Theatre with the necessary professional qualifications.
abop does not engage under 18's, students, fellow class members or undergraduates as mentors, to teach classes, assist or lead workshops, oversee sessions or run rehearsals.
ABOP work with a number of Associates who naturally align with our work and company ethos.